Next Generation Railroaders (NGR) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to employ modern technology to educate and connect next-generation railroaders with volunteer and career opportunities within the railroading and railroad preservation industries. NGR is committed to building interest in railroading and promoting inclusivity for all demographics while pursuing four main goals:

  1. Develop a centralized advertising and marketing campaign to promote the nationwide involvement of next-generation railroaders in the industry and in historic preservation efforts.

  2. Qualify individuals from partner railroads and organizations under an NGR-developed Certified Mentor (CM) program. As these vital individuals will be required to provide potentially formative experiences to a diverse pool of applicants in a safe and educational atmosphere, CMs will be background-checked, screened, and cleared as part of the certification process. The result will be a network of qualified and trained individuals who will act as points of contact across the country for applicants ages 18 to 45.

  3. Work with businesses, organizations, and museums to improve next-generation recruitment efforts through a centralized NGR application process. Applicants would apply directly to NGR and would then be paired with a partner railroad or organization and CM based on their location, interests, skills, and learning goals. The CMs would then train the new applicants in a safe and rewarding environment to foster their interests. With training organized in this manner from the top down, NGR and its partners will be adding interested, invested, and educated young individuals to the railroad workforce and hobby.

  4. Highlight the stories of next-generation railroaders through digital and print media to build a positive representation of younger railroaders within the industry.


Nick Ozorak, President
Rudy Garbely, Vice President
Hanna Brooks, Treasurer
Leah Lang, Secretary
Alden Burns
Lou Capwell
Frank DeStefano
Rick Kfoury
Casey Palumbo

NGR Senior Advisors

Mark Huber
Ed Kapuscinski
Cate Kratville-Wrinn
Kelly Lynch
Linn Moedinger
Henry Posner III
Laura Wells

NGR was incorporated as a Pennsylvania non-profit organization on September 13, 2023 and has been recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Each of its initial directors has over a decade of experience in the railroad industry or in the historic preservation field, and all are between the ages of 18 and 45. Therefore, NGR’s primary decision-making will be handled by individuals with direct experience in both railroading and in our target audience.

The new organization is currently working to make connections with partner organizations and individuals. NGR was rolled out to the railroad industry publicly in January of 2024.